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Two Gospels and The Cross July 9, 2009

Posted by faith in Uncategorized.

John 9:2 The disciples asked Jesus, who sinned for this man to be born blind, himself or his parents

Jesus’ answer is revealing.

Jesus separated the consequences/effects/nature of sin in general from the choices/acts/behaviour which are condemnable and lead to guilt.

There is a popular gospel that says we are condemned because we have a sinful nature (nothing we chose, nothing we can do about it). And the solution is supposedly that God forgives us. All we have to do is accept.

Results of evil or sinful nature (bad equipment) – don’t need forgiveness, they need restoration.

Guiltiness from sinful choices (conscious rejection) – needs forgiveness.

In reality, the Bible teaches we are condemned because of our own personal choice to go against God – or what is right (James 4:17; John 3:18-21). We are condemned for using our free will in a destructive (self or others) way. Jesus didn’t come to condemn but to save (John 3:16-17).

Our nature (the results of evil; bad equipment) is just a consequence of our choices (or sometimes the choices of others). For this we need healing, not forgiveness. Does any patient say to their doctor, I want forgiveness?

But because of God’s forgiveness, it draws us to the One who can heal.

At the cross, Jesus experienced two things:

1. Psychological and emotional torment — This is the natural consequence of “sin”. We feel separated from God (Isaiah 59:2). “Afflicted” (Isaiah 53:4). He took on the disease. But this was all unseen by us. He did this because he had already *charizomai* us (accepted us with his gracious favour).

2. Physical scourging — this was what we did to Christ. This we saw. And it was this torture that we see Jesus forgiving (Luke 23:34). This was the ultimate display of Christ’s matchless love – in ultimate suffering. “By his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Drawn to that we can be *aphiemi* (our burden be lifted away).