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“Remnant” is a Mission not an Award August 28, 2009

Posted by faith in Uncategorized.

Adventists don’t consider themselves the “remnant” because they believe they are superior in any way to everyone else, or that they have achieved a place in God’s heart that is exclusive to them.

Rather identifying with the “remnant” of the Bible reminds us of our mission to be exactly the kind of people the Bible describes the “remnant” as: people with integrity, who are fully faithful, completely committed in their loyalty to God and perfectly passionate about reaching other people. We were not called by God to be just the same as everyone else in the world; we are not called to conform, but to (be and to) transform (Rom 12:2). We are meant to be the “body of Jesus” that He “left behind” to continue His work.

The remnant (of and like Jesus) stands up, seeks out and saves; not sits down, stays in and feels saved.