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The Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) September 1, 2014

Posted by faith in Uncategorized.

The effect of God’s Spirit (what it produces in you) is

Agape – a uniquely Christian word and an expression of the fundamental characteristic of God

Which broken down is comprised of:

Joy – an abiding attitude of gladness, the opposite of suffering, such as expressed in a greeting of “Great to see you man!”

Peace – serenity, a settled assurance of the soul in the face of life, security

Steadfast – macrothymia, a slowness to react to wrongs, literally a “long fuse”, a tolerance for people which can only come if you are secure in yourself

Virtuous – whose actions are good and right, a morally “just” individual, from steadfastness comes the ability to act virtuously in all circumstances, integrity

Good – agathosyne, another uniquely Christian word, good hearted, inherently kind, a blessing to all

Faithfulness – pistis, trustworthy and dependable, you would willingly leave your life in such hands for they are good

Gracious – in the old meaning of meek (having restraint, like a tame rather than a wild horse), the opposite of being rough or harsh, not self-seeking, but considering the interests of others as more important than one’s own, the gentleness and composure that arises from humility (not needing to exert or impose oneself on another), such a trait can only be developed by one who is secure in himself, that is why it is adjacent to self-control in the verse for meekness is “strength under control”

Self-control – one who has control over his own temperament, his own impulses, is truly powerful, truly free, it is true strength to have restraint, for the stronger the weapon, the more mastery one requires to wield it, to have the ability to choose to do something you do not feel like doing, self-control is the ultimate fulfilment of agape, for it was Jesus’ mastery over His own will (remember He wanted the Father to remove the “cup” of suffering from Him) that made the cross possible